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2022 BRINGING SEXY BACKKK - The Shoe Curator


Well goodbye 2021, and good riddance to the now even more distant 2020! Au revoir, Adios, Jog on!

You can take your COVID lockdowns with you, and with that your 'working from home' lazy-wear!  Yes I know it was comfy. And yes it was quicker not having to do one's hair and make up. But really - at what cost? 

I don't know about you, but I didn't feel like a million dollars . . . I didn't have the energy and confidence of a rooster at the crack of dawn, ready to wake up the world. . .I didn't look or feel my best. 

And isn't that the success goal we are all striving towards? Being/looking/feeling our best?

Yes! Yes it is! And so...2022 is the year we reclaim the joy of looking damn hot! 
And because I am The Shoe Curator - let's start with the shoes!

As many of us made a hybrid return to the workplace/office following a period of full time WFH, we brought with us some hybrid office attire... 
The suits/ties/dresses/heels were left in the back of the wardrobe... The chinos and dress sneakers became our hybrid office attire. Heavens - I met with my lawyer and he was wearing jeans!! WTF?! No. 

Professionals. I know you are familiar with the term 'dress for success'... 
I have hired you at your very professional rate to deliver a top end service. 
I don't suppose your new more casual/relaxed attire comes with a new casual/relaxed rate??
No - didn't think so. Harvey Specter set the standard. Jessica boss bitched it. They invested their hefty earnings into their presentation. And so the success was reinforced. 

Fellas - a dress shoe is what one needs to start the outfit right. Let this be your anchor, the foundations from which you build your brand. If the outfit doesn't look good with a shiny polished pair of Oxford or Derbys, then NO. 

Dig deeper into that wardrobe. Thou shalt find a pair of pants and shirt that do you justice, that channel your pistol mode. And from there step out with an extra bounce of confidence in your step - because you sir are a dapper dynamo! 

Going to the pub for a few bevvies with the boys. Considering jandals? NO!

Get yourself into a funky designer sneaker, or if the weather's not flash, embrace the rain and pull on a sexy chelsea boot. From here you shall find that naturally a sharp shirt beckons, a bit of colour, a smooth hair style. Spritz the aftershave on my friend - you are going out into the world! You survived and you emerge from the darkness stronger, with more suave and wisdom from your adversity! 

Ladies - when oh when did we decide to farewell the heels? Unless you have some form of Achilles injury, or a back that has had more surgeries than a test-lab rat, then recondition those beautiful feet for the golden gift that is a heel. Go big, go bright, go sexy! Put your wow shoes on girl - they are not wowing anyone in the closet. And if you don't have a pair of wow shoes - GO GET SOME! 

There is a hidden power in wearing heels - a strength that your body finds and exudes as your heels elevate your form to a sexier more confident you. Not comfy enough for you? Good! You need to be on your toes ladies. The world is coming at us and we need to keep it solidly under our feet, pinned down by our stunning stilettos. Feel the power of the heel...

I don't think I could put it any better that the legend Coco Chanel; "Keep your heels, head, and standards high."

Ladies and Gents, come with me, into this new year, as if we are going to the best place in town. In our best attire. As our best selves. We have a world to reclaim.

I'll see you on the other side... Looking Hot AF... 

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